Mr. Valentine

How’re you doing Pops?

Ive got a poem for you

Its about all sort;

Your amazing thick hair

Funny fat thumbs

and your lovely wife Ju

Although now your locks are silver

You have a heart of gold

To me, your stories of the world

Shall never grow old

My favourite is of your stay

On the Isle of White

In Queen Victorias Castle

Where in the Kaisers room

You slept the night

Now these thumbs of yours

They really are so big

But that slap sound they made

When you’d high five the boys

Made me jealous as a kid

Stamped in my mind

Like your grand collection

A big kiss hello and goodbye

Was your display of affection

I am reminded too of the pineapple game

Where cousins of mine clutch at 20ps

In anticipation as to who will claim

In rose Lea you’ve grown old

With your Julie by your side

Oh, but the life you have lived

Is by no means short of an extraordinary ride

You lived in China, Norway, Singapore to name a few

You became there master of calligraphy, puzzles and Mr Snowman too

Born on February 14th makes you all our valentine

For you are the most loved

By your wife, 3 daughters

And the cousins of 9


we are the hands of the clock

